The Amendments Backgrounds

      The 18th and 21st Amendments have some amazing background.  First off the 18th Amendment banned selling, buying, or drinking alcohol.  Many people were very upset with this amendment because they drank a lot of alcohol everyday.  The purpose for this amendment was so people would stop getting in trouble for drinking to much at one period of time.  The state was allowed to abolish this law if they felt that it wasn't a problem in their state.  The 18th Amendment was added to the U.S. Constitution in 1919.  However this amendment is now all canceled out by the 21st Amendment which was written 14 years later in the year of 1933.  The 21st Amendment took out the 18th Amendment and states that you could start selling and drinking alcohol in the United States again.  The purpose for this amendment was people were starting to find out that alcohol wasn't as bad as they thought it was.  Many people were happy with this amendment because they drank a lot and now they wouldn't get in trouble for it.  The 18th and 21st Amendments absolutely are amazing when you find out their awesome background.